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Mobile and testosterone? … daily habits can lower your testosterone level!

Your brain is right! It sounds so silly, We’ve all said, “What is the link between testosterone hormone and mobile phones?”

but in a short answer, Yes. believe it or not. Yes, your mobile phone can lower your testosterone levels. And not only the mobile phones do this, a lot of daily bad habits also can.

Just fill in the blank: cars, sitting around, food, community, Painkillers, or your sleep routine. mobile is the most common reason but not the only reason.

When it comes to testosterone, men's brains think about sexual health only and it becomes a cause of fear to some men.

What is testosterone?

Testosterone Definition:

Is a hormone found in humans that your gonads mainly produce. Both men and women produce testosterone, but it’s called the “male hormone” because men produce a lot more

of it.

According to scientific researches, testosterone levels tend to peak in men during adolescence and early adulthood. Those levels start to slowly dip at a rate of around 1 percent per year, starting around age 30. A decrease in testosterone level is a natural result of aging. But in some cases, you may experience declining testosterone at a younger age.

Most common, When we think of declining levels of testosterone, we might think of middle-aged or older men. But men under 30 can also experience low testosterone.

Testosterone Benefits:

Testosterone plays a key role in your muscle mass and bones, facial and pubic hair, body’s development of deeper voices, sex drive, mood and quality of life, and verbal memory and thinking ability.

Low Testosterone “ Definition & Symptoms ”

Low testosterone is a medical condition where your body doesn’t produce enough of the hormone testosterone. Low testosterone can cause a variety of symptoms, including erectile dysfunction, infertility, muscle mass loss, fat gain, and balding. Low testosterone has a lot of reasons, we know some of them and we don't notice the rest because we make it in our daily habits.

Daily Habits that can lower testosterone levels?

We all have habits, but what makes one good or bad? We often think of habits as falling into black and white categories, some are objectively bad or objectively good. However, the truth is that habits sit on a continuum from good to bad and are influenced by our ability to control them.

Essentially, a bad habit is a recurring action you do that typically provides instant satisfaction but often leads to long-term problems. This is typically how technology and rapid development affects our life and especially our body.

Here are some of our bad daily habits and how we can improve them.

1- Mobile phone

  • Problem:

Technology has had a huge impact on all our daily life, from personal details to work. Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st-century life, from transport efficiency and safety to access to food and healthcare, socialization, and productivity. The importance of the internet and mobiles has enabled global communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily. However, the overuse of mobile has been linked to a decline in mental health, physical health, and sexual health.

Surprisingly, one of the daily habits that we take mobile phones for granted every day is the most common reason for reducing testosterone levels related to a lot of research that carrying your phone In your pocket can reduce your testosterone levels and your sperm counts because of heat. And guess what? That is true. The fact now is not a requirement that testosterone starts to slow down at the age of 30 and older, you may experience declining testosterone at a younger age because of daily bad habits.

The last few years have witnessed a lot of scientific studies and experiments about the effects of mobile phones on testosterone levels. The results said that the exposure to mobile phones for 60 minutes per day for a total period of 3 months significantly decreased the serum testosterone level [p=0.028] compared to their matched control.

  • Solutions:

If you’ve been carrying your phone in your front pocket and holding it in your hand for some years now, don’t despair. The negative effects can be changed over time.

Mobile phones are not going anywhere. One simple way to avoid and reverse the negative effects:

  • is not to keep the mobile in your front pocket and ideally to keep them as far away from your body as possible.

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi & phone.

  • Avoid using laptops, PlayStation, and smart speakers as much as you can.

2- Cars and Sitting around

  • Problem:

Not only the mobile phone causes the reduce of testosterone levels, but we also have a numerous of reasons. Such as using a car all the time and sitting around. Being physically inactive could also lower your testosterone. When researchers had 30 sedentary young men participate in a 12-week exercise program, they found that the participants' testosterone levels increased, according to a study in the April-June 2014 Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. In addition to weight loss, with exercise "men may note improvements in testosterone, bone density, memory, fertility, heart and sexual health, as well as mood,”.

  • Solutions:

Your busy schedule is still here. But you can add some healthy habits to your schedule. As you can:

  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator increases your heart rate, helps with balance, improves your mood, improves lower-extremity strength, and of course all of these benefits will help to boost your testosterone.

  • Park far away, While you need to be safe and alert to your surroundings if you’re in a safe and well-lit area, consider parking further from the entrance of wherever you’re going. Adding a few minutes of walking time here and there adds up over time and can increase your daily step count!

  • Walking meetings, If you work from home or have transitioned to virtual conference calls, schedule a walk during one call per day. And if you work in an office, take your one-on-one meetings to go. Walking with others in the team can enhance team bonding, and you may even come up with better ideas. It is a great way to mix up your daily routine.

And much like that, do a quick research and take a lot of small tips and activities you can easily add to your daily routine.

3- Food and being overweight.

  • Problem:

Being overweight. “Waist size has a much bigger impact on testosterone than aging," says endocrinologist Frances Hayes, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

"We can’t slow aging, but we can prevent weight gain." Excess weight can keep testosterone levels low, according to the Society for Endocrinology.

Obese and overweight men see the greatest improvement in their testosterone levels if they lose weight with a combination of exercise and a restricted-calorie diet, according to research in the July 2014 Journal of Diabetes and Obesity.

  • Solutions:

You can reduce the risk of unhealthy food and overweight conditions by improving your diet and daily food routine in general, focusing on foods that have been shown to boost health and reduce the likelihood of a scary diagnosis.

-Simply you can avoid high usage of some food like ( soy, sugar, mint, dairy, bakeries, junk food, and nuts).

-Add some healthy food to your daily food routine like ( mushrooms, avocado, eggs, beans, and berries ).

Build good habits and daily health routines that will change your mind.

4- Using anabolic steroids and narcotic pain medications.

  • Problem:

Using narcotic painkillers and anabolic steroids for bodybuilding will cause low testosterone.

Regularly taking anabolic steroids and narcotic pain medications can lead to physical and psychological changes in both men and women, as well as potentially dangerous medical conditions.

It causes ( reduced sperm count, infertility, hair loss, breast development, increased risk of prostate cancer, severe acne, stomach pain, aggressive behavior, mood swings, and paranoia) Anabolic steroids accelerate bone growth, so if they're misused by adolescents who haven't yet had the growth spurt associated with puberty, it can cause premature aging of the bones and restricted growth.

  • Solutions:

  1. Take them for a period of time and then stop for a rest period before starting again.

  2. Take more than one type at a time, making the steroids work better.

  3. Don’t take painkillers regularly.

  4. The best solution is to ask your doctor for the best treatment for you.

5- Using hair-loss medications.

  • Problem:

Hair loss medications itself doesn't directly cause low testosterone. “Certain hair-loss medications, such as Propecia (finasteride), block the conversion of testosterone into other active metabolites and can cause low libido and sexual function,” Saadeh says.

Some people experience persistent symptoms like sexual dysfunction and depression after using finasteride, possibly because of the medication's effect on testosterone and other hormones in the body, according to February 2015 research in The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.

  • Solutions:

Ask your doctor before using any medication because some of them can cause huge problems by using.

6- Not getting enough sleep.

  • Problem:

Low testosterone appears to be linked to lower-quality sleep and fewer deep sleep cycles, and also when you not getting enough sleep appears to be linked to lower testosterone levels.

Not getting enough sleep:

  • can make you very sleepy and tired during the day.

  • can affect your ability to think, remember, and process information.

  • can make you feel moody and you can become more likely to have conflicts with others.

  • may become less likely to participate in normal daily activities or to exercise.

and all of these can directly affect your testosterone levels.

“A normal sleep cycle is important.” Try to stick to a regular sleep-wake cycle and get plenty of quality sleep.

  • Solutions:

  1. Get consistent sleep, Make sure you’re sleeping at least seven hours a night.

  2. Avoid afternoon naps. This can interrupt your nighttime sleep schedule.

  3. Keep your bedroom cool. In general, your bedroom should be between 60 and 67 degrees when you’re trying to sleep.

To conclude:

Because testosterone affects so many functions, its decrease can bring about significant physical and emotional changes.

But the truth is, when you have a healthy lifestyle with a good daily habits it can directly appear on your Testosterone levels and all your hormones that make you feel better and healthier.

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